综合点评:本次综合写作重复 2019.7.7 考题,涉及政府决策,该话题在托福考试中占比不高,听力和阅读是相互反驳的,难点在于 把握听力中的细节信息。另外,独立写作属于高频考察的教育类话题,也是经典考题类型三选一,要看准题目核心词,审题不要跑题。
总论点:政府是否应该给 art 和 artists 任何 financial support
1. 艺术不是政府的 obligation,公民的娱乐已经超出了政府的管辖范围,而且有很多其 他的东西需要政府的支持
2. 政府会使用 censorship 来控制艺术,他们可以选择那些支持政府的作品,art funding 导致政府歧视观点不同的 art
3. 艺术不需要政府资助,美国 art 已经很牛了,看看好莱坞电影这么受欢迎
1. 是政府的 legitimated function,艺术为大众提供 recognition、pleasure,是政府的 责任,如 national park
2. 因为有些机构是 political-independent 的,他们才不关心什么作品里的政治因素,他 们就关心作品质量,还专门请普通专家来评判
3. 商业艺术不用投入,但是其它就要,电视和 movie 不是 art 好的说明,有些项目比如children art 是很重要的,而且你不能指望这些项目去搞商业化
The reading passage and lecture debate on the necessity of governmental fiscal support on art and artists.
According to the first theory in the reading, it is not governmental responsibility to provide financial support. It never lies in governments’ obligation to guarantee civil entertainment. As a matter of fact, there are more functions that government has to consider other than offer public with artistic pleasure. However, the lecture finds it a legitimated function for the government, due to the fact that arts can enrich public recognition and pleasure, which means fulfilling such function can win public support for the government.
The second reason raised in the passage is government funding may lead to government’s control over artistic works since these works are exposed to strict censorship and those with different views or positions will be discriminated against by the government. Yet, the lecturer opposes, contending that artistic works are assessed by politically independent institutes with the help of experts, which will focus more on quality of the works rather than its political implication.
The last idea, according to the passage, is artistic industry makes huge profits, especially in the case of Hollywood, which gains worldwide popularity around the world. However, it is challenged by the professor, who maintains that even though commercial artistic industry can survive without government funding, there are still other artistic projects, including children art programs, that require fiscal support
Which value should be shared by children (5-10 years old) most and why?
- Being honest
- Being helpful to others
- Being well-organized
观点:从小要培养的最重要的品质是 honesty。
主体段一:honesty 是人们一生都需要遵守的准则,从小培养这一品质对自己和对社会都 有好处;
主体段二:being helpful 对小孩来说可能心有余而力不足,小孩心智不成熟,难以给出很 大的帮助;Being organized 反而可能会限制小孩天马行空的想法,不利于小孩的发展;
It is widely acknowledged that valuable qualities should be inculcated in children as early as possible, since younger children tend to be molded more easily by the outside world than older ones. Among the three possible values—being helpful, being honest and being well organized — I reckon honesty the most important trait that children should develop from a young age.
Honesty is without a doubt the basic principle that every individual should live by all along one’ s life. Fostering this quality in young children would yield the most benefits not only for themselves but also for the community. For one thing, being honest is one of the most important considerations in any relationships, in the promotion of employees, and in the election of leaders, etc. It is not an overstatement that honesty is a prerequisite of a promising future, and there is every reason to share with young children. For another thing, dishonesty can erode any organization. For example, a person who discloses the company ’ s confidential information to a competitor might be the one who lied about the unfinished homework to teachers at a young age. With no warning or punishment, children might deem it not big deal to lie and have little awareness of how severe it is. One can be less helpful or not organized but being dishonest would be disastrous. Therefore, it is imperative to educate children to be honest; the earlier, the better.
On the other hand, it is not that realistic to expect children between five and ten years old to be a big help or do things in a well-organized way. Children at this age are usually not physically or mentally mature to comprehend complex issues or figure out feasible solutions. The fact is that these abilities can only be obtained through real life experience, rather than through instructions from the elders.
Furthermore, I doubt, to some extent, whether being well organized is of benefit to children because the children’s nature of curiosity and free-thinking may be restricted. Indeed, children should not be deprived of their own way to see the world or do things, be it ridiculous or not, since this is how imagination and creativity flourish.
In conclusion, regarding the most favorable qualities that children should develop, I believe honesty should be given top priority. The reason is that honesty lays the foundation of the prosperity of both individuals and society, while the other two qualities (being helpful and well organized) are likely either to be unrealistic or to restrict children’s development.
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