Lithosphere /ˈlɪθəsfɪr/ n岩石圈
Hydrosphere /ˈhaɪdroʊsfɪr/ n水圈
(tpo51 passage2 On a solid planet with a hydrosphere and an atmosphere, only a tiny fraction of the planetary mass flows as surface fluids.)
asthenosphere /æs'θinə,sfɪr/ n软流层
crust /krʌst/ n地壳
mantle /ˈmæntl/ n地幔
(tpo5 lecture2 And we need to find out, because much more than the crust, the mantle contains information about a planet's or Moon's total composition.)
outer core n外部地核
inner core n内部地核
Volcano /vɑ:lˈkeɪnoʊ/ n火山
Ash /æʃ/ n灰烬
Caldera /kɔ:lˈderə/ n火山喷口
Cinder cone volcano 锥形火山
Crater /ˈkreɪtə(r)/ n火山口
Eruption /ɪ'rʌpʃən/ n喷发
Dormant /ˈdɔ:rmənt/ adj静止的,休眠的
Extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ v灭绝
(tpo48 lecture2 the older they are, and the longer ago their volcanoes went dormant or extinct.)
Active volcano 活火山
Extinct volcano 死火山
Dormant volcano 休眠火山
Fault /fɔ:lt/ n断层
(tpo21 passage1 he latter two sources are limited to those few areas where surface water seeps down through underground faults or fractures to reach deep rocks heated by the recent activity of molten rock material.)
Fissure /ˈfɪʃə(r)/ v裂开,分裂
Gas n气体,汽油,瓦斯
Magma n岩浆,熔岩
Lava n火山岩浆
(tpo27 passage2 the dating of lavas in the Hawaii (and other) chains showed that their ages increase away from the presently active volcano)
Molten rock n熔融岩石
Pyroclastic flow n火山碎屑流
Shield volcano 盾状火山
Vent /vent/ n出口,进口
Plate /pleɪt/ n板块
(tpo27 passage2 How can volcanic activity occur so far from a plate boundary?)
Plate tectonics n板块构造论
Pacific plate 太平洋板块
North American plate 北美洲板块
South American plate 南美洲板块
Antarctic plate 南极洲板块
Caribbean plate 加勒比板块
African plate 非洲板块
Arabian plate 阿拉伯板块
Eurasian plate 亚欧板块
Philippine plate 菲律宾板块
Boundary n边界
(tpo28 passage1 The water table is the underground boundary below which all the cracks and pores are filled with water.)
Continent n大陆
(tpo1 lecture2 You know the theory that earth's continents were once joined together and only split apart relatively recently?)
Earthquake n地震
Seism /'səm/ n地震
Seismic /ˈsaɪzmɪk/ adj地震的,地震引起的
Seismology / saɪzˈmɑ:lədʒi/ n地震学
Magnitude /ˈmægnɪtu:d/ n震级
(tpo49 passage1 for archaeologists concerned with the long periods of time of the Paleolithic period there are variations in coastlines of much greater magnitude to consider.)
Cataclysm /ˈkætəklɪzəm/ n地震,灾难
Glacier n冰川
Glacial adj冰川的
Glacial epoch 冰川期
Interglacial n间冰期(两个冰川期之间的时期)
(tpo20 lecture2 What was different about this interglacial period than the other ones?)
Iceberg 冰山
Ice sheet 冰原,冰盖
(tpo20 passage2 Ice sheets retreated and sea levels rose.)
Deposit / dɪˈpɑ:zɪt/ n沉积层
Dissolve v溶解
Emergence /ɪ'mɝdʒəns/ n出现
Erode / ɪˈroʊd/ v侵蚀
Erosion /ɪ'roʒən/ n侵蚀
Deform / dɪˈfɔ:rm/ v使变形
Disintegration /dɪsˌɪntɪˈɡreʃən/ n分解,解体
Weather v风化
Steep /sti:p/ adj陡峭的
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